

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Year & A Half, Emma Kate!!

Yesterday Emma Kate turned 18 months old! Officially closer to 2 than 1...oh my!! Last Friday, we took EK to her well check-up. She had a total meltdown when we started walking back to the room that continued throughout the visit.  Dr. Hayes says it's normal for this age, but still it wasn't a fun time. Good report as far as physical & development progress goes.

24 pounds 4 ounces (55%) Gained 3 lbs. in 3 months which is really good since at this age toddlers are so active.
32 inches (65%) grown 2 inches in 3 months

Emma Kate at 18 months:
- Knows all her letters. Thanks to her Baby Einstein books.  We now ask her letters in other places & majority of the time she names them correctly.
-Can sing the alphabet song. Every time I say "lets sing a song" she starts singing the ABC's. It's funny when she gets distracted while singing & says "Hi J" or "Hi Mommy" and then will resume somewhere in the song.
- Can count up to 14 (that's the highest so far). We think 14 because that's how many scoops of formula we put into Jackson's container & while making it we count aloud. Now she chimes right in on counting the scoops.
- Still a good sleeper. Wakes up around 7am, takes one long nap a day for a couple hours, & bedtime around 7pm.
- Eating well. Loves fruit, especially "berries." Veggies, chicken, turkey, cheese, applesauce, bagels. Also, these organic cookies with letters on them have become a favorite around here. She gets a few cookies after dinner & likes telling us the letter before she gets to eat it. :)
-  Big talker!! Everyday we're amazed at how well sis can say words & what new words she knows & picks up on.
- LOVES being outside "walking walking walking." I honestly think she would stay outside all day if I let her! She keeps Pop outside on walks all around there house & land as long as possible. Luckily, my Dad  also loves being outside with her so they have fun together! Lolly also takes EK outside by their creek & they sit & read books. Being outside & books = happy girl.
- Loves her baby brother! They have gotten more interactive lately. EK will take toys to J, and of course steal any toy away that she wants to play with. They like grabbing onto each other and "baby wrestling." My favorite thing is the world now is hearing EK making Jackson giggle...simply the best!!
- Now EK really enjoys going to the YMCA or just the "A" as she calls it to the childcare while I run. She likes the fact that she gets to walk in holding my hand while I'm pushing J in the stroller. She always says "toys" & "baby" while we're driving there. 
- Lately there have been a few "sneak peeks" to the "terrible twos" with lots of "no" responses and pulling the ole melting/sitting down when you don't want to leave or go somewhere...just part of being a toddler I guess! Sure there's more to come...:)

I cannot express how much love I have for you, Emma Kate! You make me the happy every single day just by being you! Please STOP growing up! Love, Mommy

* Now for some recent Emma Kate pics.*

    Reading her letter books. J just doing some chewing.
 First time rocking her Chuck Taylors.
 Reaching for the sky...a Lolly & Emma Kate thing. :)
 Walking with Pop

 Bench time with some books
 After her nap...love the bedhead!
 Out back @ our house reading with Lolly. Note the baby doll & stroller outside too. ha

 Waiting at the pedi's office. Still happy because of the pretty fish.
Waking up one morning with her hands full.
 Go Hogs! Our little Razorback!
 Walking in Mommy's shoes
 Just relaxing...
 Opening up a Halloween gift.
 Pop taught Emma Kate about his cars. Now she goes up to the symbol & says "nah nah horsey!" haha

 Pop getting her "sugar."
 After a big adventure walk with Pop.


Love you sweet angel!!


  1. Happy 18 month birthday, Emma Kate! You are too cute- i LOVE the bedhead picture in the morning.

  2. Thanks Rachel! Our little 18 month old girls are pretty precious, if I do say so myself. :)

  3. Those pics of EK and Pop are just priceless!!! What wonderful memories she will have! :)
